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It's really easy to use.

$ groupby -day -d=./groupby

Command-line options

groupby [OPTIONS]

Usage of groupby:
  -a            Include hidden files and directories (starting with .)
                Only copy files, do not move them
                Group files by the date they were created (default)
                Directory containing files to group
                Group by year, month and then day
                Only show the output of how the files will be grouped
                Flatten the created directory tree folders
                Ignore directories and only group files
                Group files by the date they were modified (default true)
                Group by year, and then month
                Directory to move grouped files to
  -p            Only show the output of how the files will be grouped (shorthand)
                Only show the output of how the files will be grouped
  -v            Show verbose output
                Show verbose output
                Show the program version and exit
                Group by year only